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Submissions are in! We are now in the process of sending contest entries for Fiction and Visual Art off to the judges. Our fiction judge this year is Leslie Pietrzyk and our Visual Art judge is Janeil Englestad.

*New Submission Guidelines are posted. Please take a look at our new regular and contest submission guidelines on the submit and contests tabs. Those submitting under the new guidelines need to be aware that So to Speak will send back submissions that do not adhere to the new guidelines.

We are now accepting regular fiction submissions for the Winter/Spring 2009 issue as well as submissions for our annual Poetry and Nonfiction contests. All submissions for issues featuring genre contests must be accompanied by a $15 entry fee and adhere to the new contest submission guidelines.

Issues Page has been updated.

Check out the covers and judges of So to Speak's last two issues and the new cover of our Winter/Spring 2008 issue. If your tempted to purchase past issues or subscribe, feel free to fill out the subscription form and mail us your payment.

New Cast

So to Speak has a new publication team! Check out our bios on the About Us tab.



Special Thanks to...

Trent Thompson for providing our website banner!




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Support So to Speak!

So to Speak has served as a forum for feminist writers and artists since 1993. Our journal provides a critical space for emerging feminist writers and artists to publish their work.  We are a small journal run primarily on a volunteer basis. We need your support!

Here's how you can help So to Speak grow as an important outlet for feminist writers and artists:

1) Subscribe to the journal. It's just $12 for a one-year subscription (two journals) or $20 for a two-year subscription.

2) Make a contribution to the journal.  Even a $10 contribution goes a long way towards helping us to defray production costs, which in turn allows us to feature more work by emerging feminist writers and artists!

Make your check payable to George Mason University.

So to Speak
George Mason University MSN 2C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030