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Daniel Lieberfeld is an Assistant Professor in Duquesne University's Graduate Center for Social and Public Policy and also directs the university's undergraduate program in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution. He is the author of Talking With the Enemy: Negotiation and Threat Perception in South Africa and Israel/Palestine (1999) and has written on politics and peacemaking for The American Behavioral Scientist, The Journal of Peace Research, International Negotiation, and other publications. He is an editor of the International Journal of Peace Studies.


Sharon Erickson Nepstad is Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern Maine. Her research has focused on the role of progressive religion in peace movements. She is the author of numerous articles and two books: Convictions of the Soul: Religion, Culture, and Agency in the Central America Solidarity Movement (2004) and Religion and War Resistance in the Plowshares Movement (2008). She recently served as the chair of the American Sociological Association's section on Peace, War, and Social Conflict.


Stellan Vinthagen is Senior Lecturer in Peace and Development Studies at the School of Global Studies at Gothenburg University, and at the Global Political Studies program at Malmö University, Sweden. He is the author of two books and co-author of four books. He is also cofounder of the Resistance Studies Network (www.resistancestudeies.org) and teaches at universities and for social movement activists in different countries. Vinthagen is active in the peace and solidarity movement, mainly in War Resisters’ International, and has been jailed on several occasions due to his nonviolent direct actions. During 2007, he organized an academic conference in which participants blockaded the entrance to the nuclear weapons base in Faslane, Scotland (www.faslane365.org). In 2007, he and Sean Chabot published “Rethinking Nonviolent Action and Contentious Politics: Political Cultures of Nonviolent Opposition in the Indian Independence Movement and Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement” in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change.


Ilana Kaufman is Coordinator of the M.A. program in Democracy Studies at the Open University of Israel in Ra’anana. She conducts research in the area of comparative and ethnic politics and specializes in the political behavior of the Palestinian citizens of Israel. She is the author of Arab National Communism in the Jewish State (1997) and, most recently, “Consociational Democracy and the Palestinian Arabs in Israel”(2008, in Hebrew) in Sarah Ozacky-Lazar and Mustafa Kabha, eds., Between Reality and Vision: The Vision Papers of the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel, 2006-2007.


Roger Peace is Adjunct Professor of History at Tallahassee Community College. His formal education is in U.S. diplomatic history. During the 1980s, he participated in the anti-Contra-war campaign as coordinator of the Tallahassee Peace Coalition. He is the author of A Just and Lasting Peace: The U.S. Peace Movement from the Cold War to Desert Storm (1991), which surveys U.S. citizen peace and justice campaigns in the 1980s.


Rachel Ben Dor co-founded Four Mothers—Leaving Lebanon in Peace and served as the movement’s chairperson. She teaches in the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, and is completing a doctoral dissertation at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on women’s leadership in post-Biblical literature.


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