SE/OR Practices

Project Design and Development

We have modeled the As-Is architecture and used that as a basis for developing and designing our technical and economic/financial performance models in a To-Be implementation. After defining the requirements and selecting the scope and domain for the As-Is architecture we used CORE® to develop a context model representing the As-Is reference implementation. We then developed technical and economic models for both the As-Is and To-Be implementation (based on the To-Be implementation.

Model Design and Development

Our approach to model design and development was to use the combination of our customer/stakeholder needs (requirements) to understand the distinction between the as-is (the de-facto, ad hoc) implementation and a prospective to-be implementation. We used Systems Engineering methods and tools to accomplish this by analyzing and documenting user needs, developing a context defining the boundary conditions for our architecture, and modeled both the as-is and to-be architecture using CORE® to document the system’s architecture currently and the systems architecture going forward. Finally using this architecture we developed operationally relevant technical and financial models to assess the effectiveness of the to-be architecture as compared to the as-is architecture.