Airport Departure Flow Management System


Contact Information

Welcome to TeamAirportDFM Website.  Our goal is to provide you with useful information to assist you in understanding more about Airport Departure Flow Management System (ADFMS).  Below are a few facts that were used as the basis for the ADFMS:
  • All major U.S. airports are scheduled with departures at peak travel periods in excess of the runway departure capacity. As a consequence of over-scheduling, and the procedures for push-back, a free-for-all occurs amongst the airlines to secure a slot in the long taxiway departure queues that occur every day. These queues result in excess fuel burn and emissions, and create unnecessary taxiway congestion. Researchers have proposed a "departure management" system in which airlines "reserve" departure slots and are able to trade slots in the event of a delay or disruption.
  • ADFMS is a web-based system to provide ramp controllers, airport and airlines authoritities with a decision support tool that automates departure sequencing recommendations to maximize the use of the runways, reduce delays and fuel waste while idling on the runway.  
  • ADFMS uses the concept of virtual queuing to sequence aircrafts departure at the gates instead of on the runways.  ADFMS also allows airlines to exchange departure slots with themselves or with other airlines to prevent holding up at the virtual queue and earn merit points upon exchanging slots.  Points are required for trading and exchanging slots.

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 SYST 798 / OR 680 Spring 2010
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Last updated: 04/29/10.