image003Right-Sizing Navy Fire & Emergency Services

GMU Project Spring 2013






This is the official website for the Navy Fire & Emergency Services capstone project.  You will find information about our team and a brief description of our project.  For a more detailed look into our results, please refer to the final report under the deliverables section.



Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES) are categorized into four main functions:  Fire Protection, Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Transport, and Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting.  The Navy provides these services to more than 70 installations world-wide.   Navy headquarters uses a set of business rules in an Excel model (FESPOM) to estimate the number of required F&ES assets and budget.  Like many government agencies, the Navy is under tight budgetary pressure and needs to be able to quantify the impact of reductions in services.  As resources decline, program managers need to be able to determine which allocation of F&ES resources minimizes the loss incurred. 

The existing F&ES model provides a foundation for getting at this end state by modeling the percentage of building loss for residential structures.  Our team expanded the existing model by adding in two sub-models for nonresidential fires, warehouses and other nonresidential.  We also further expanded the model to translate the percentage of building loss to dollars.