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Systems Engineering and Operations Research

Fall 2005 Syllabi

OR 441 Deterministic Operations Research POLYAK, R
OR 442 Stochastic Operations Research WIELAND, F
OR 481 Numerical Methods in Engineering ZOLTEK, S M
OR 481 Numerical Methods in Engineering SAUER, T
OR 541 Deterministic Models HOFFMAN, K
OR 542 Stochastic Models WIELAND, F
OR 635 Discrete System Simulation CHEN, C H
OR 641 Linear Programming SOFER, A
OR 643 Network Modeling HOFFMAN, K
OR 645 (PDF) Stoch Mod Operations Research II SHORTLE, J
OR 649 Pricing in Optimization and Game Theory POLYAK, R
OR 652 Operations Research Modeling II LOERCH, A G
OR 681 Contemporary Issues in Decision Analysis SCHUM, D A
OR 682 Computational Methods in Engineering & Stat WANNER, T
OR 683 Principles of C3I, Pt I CHANG, KC
OR 719 Comp Mod Probab Reasoning LASKEY, K
OR 750 Pricing in Optimization and Game Theory POLYAK, R
OR 750 Advanced Linear Programming SOFER, A
OR 750 Network Modeling HOFFMAN, K
SYST 201 Discrete Dynamic Systems Modeling GANESAN, R
SYST 301 Systems Design LASKEY, K B
SYST 420 Network Analysis HOFFMAN, K
SYST 421 (PDF) Classical Systems and Control Theory BEALE, G O
SYST 465 Pricing in Optimization and Game Theory POLYAK, R
SYST 469 Human Computer Interaction KILLAM, W
SYST 470 Human Factors Engineering ADELMAN, L.
SYST 489 Senior Seminar BROUSE, P S
SYST 490 Senior Design Project I DONOHUE, G L
SYST 500 (PDF) Quantitative Foundation for Systems Engg CARLEY, M
SYST 510 Systems Definition & Cost Modeling BROUSE, P S
SYST 520 (PDF) Systems Design & Integration SAGE, AP
SYST 521 Network Analysis HOFFMAN, K
SYST 530 Systems Management and Evaluation BARRY, P S
SYST 571 Systems Engineering Management CAMP, H
SYST 573 Decision & Risk Analysis SCHUM, D A
SYST 611 System Methodology and Modeling CAMP, H
SYST 619 (PDF) Intro Arch Based Systems Engg SAGE, AP
SYST 620 (PDF) Discrete Events System LEVIS
SYST 680 Principles of C3I, Pt I CHANG, KC
SYST 798 Research Project DONOHUE, G
IT 842 Models of Probabilistic Reasoning SCHUM, D A

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