If you’re not fully vaccinated, you’ll need to continue to follow physical distancing guidelines when on university property.
Physical distancing means keeping space of at least 6 feet (about two arm lengths) between people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces, following CDC Guidance for Institutes of Higher Education: Where Not Everyone is Fully Vaccinated.
Virginia law states that employees not fully vaccinated or otherwise at high risk of infection must maintain physical distance while on the job and during paid breaks on Mason property.
If you can’t maintain physical distancing while working, you should submit a Reasonable Accommodations, Adjustments, or Modifications Request form through the Accommodation, Adjustment and Modification process via the Office of Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics.
Mason has adjusted occupancy levels, seating and work station configurations in student common areas and Mason Shuttles to accommodate individuals who are required or choose to physically distance.
Adjustments to work areas and classrooms will be made on a case by case basis, where needed. If providing additional space is not feasible, Mason will make case-by-case accommodations, adjustments, and modifications for unvaccinated employees and students through the Office of Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics and Disability Services, respectively.