2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog

Applied Conservation Studies Minor

Banner Code: CONS

The minor in applied conservation studies is designed for undergraduate students who wish to augment their main academic program with conservation studies taught in an experiential manner. There are two tracks by which students can complete the minor: the Semester whose focus is on “Applied Conservation Strategies” or the Semester that focuses on “Ecology on Effective Conservation Practice”. Both Semesters are grounded in natural science, and offer a collection of five interdisciplinary courses that combine public policy, sociology, conflict resolution, and global awareness with hands on experience. Students work with Mason faculty and researchers from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute.

The minor is available only to students who enroll in either of the Smithsonian Mason Semesters, semester-long residential programs held at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, VA. The Semesters are offered jointly by New Century College  in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of Environmental Science and Policy  in the College of Science under the auspices of the Mason Center for Conservation Studies.

For policies governing all minors, see the Academic Policies  chapter of this catalog.

Course Work

Students pursuing this minor must complete either of the tracks described below with a minimum grade of 2.00 in each course.

Total: 16 credits