2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog

Consciousness and Transformation Minor

Banner Code:  CNTR

Web: ncc.gmu.edu


Fuertes, Guenther, Lynch, Studd, Thurston (director)

The minor in consciousness and transformation provides students with a well-grounded understanding of the nature of human consciousness, including both the historical foundations and modern research findings. Through the required coursework, students develop an ability to implement personal practices that foster deeper self-awareness, the regulation of stress factors in his or her life, and an emerging sense of meaning for his or her life. Students will be learn to creatively and effectively apply principles from the exploration of consciousness and transformation to his or her own field of study.

This program of study is offered by New Century College .

For policies governing all minors, see the Academic Policies  chapter of this catalog.