2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog

Multimedia Minor

Banner Code: MM

Phone: 703-993-4318


Chung, Higgins, Lont, Martin, O’Connor, L. Smith (director), Weinberger, White

In the multimedia minor, students learn how to create original work and communicate with others through the fusion of images, text, sound, and video. Students analyze and incorporate into their productions contemporary design principles and current software applications. As part of this process, students are encouraged to focus on how multimedia technologies, which offer new tools for investigating and disseminating ideas, can enhance undergraduate research and writing. These skills, now important in most academic disciplines, are also increasingly valuable not only in the specialized information technology industries, but also in business, education, and politics.

This minor is not available to students majoring in AVT with a concentration in digital arts.

This program of study is an interdisciplinary minor offered by New Century College .

For policies governing all minors, see the Academic Policies  chapter of this catalog.

Course Work

 Students pursuing this minor must complete at least 18 credits of coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.00.

Total: 18-20 credits