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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

BIOD 622 - Negotiating in the International Arena

Credits: 3
Not Repeatable for Credit
Offered by Schar School of Policy and Government (formerly SPGIA)  
Provides students with the concepts and tools for analyzing complex negotiation processes and introduces them to the challenges facing international negotiators. Students will read about the frameworks and perspectives that have guided the scholarly research on negotiation, as well as the latest findings from that research; analyze complex cases of actual negotiations in the security, trade, and environmental areas; and negotiate key issues on the agendas of nations and international organizations.

Schedule Type: LEC
Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week: 3
Hours of Lab or Studio per week: 0