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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

CHEM 104 - Introduction to Organic, Biochemical, Pharmacological, and Fuel Chemistry

Credits: 4
Not Repeatable for Credit
Offered by Chemistry and Biochemistry  

Modern and historical accounts of organic chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, and fuel chemistry. Topics include the chemistry of carbon compounds, synthesis of polymers and their utility and use in the modern world, biomolecules, DNA and animal cloning, embryonic stem cells, the chemical structure and biological activity of drugs and medicines, and fuel chemistry including petroleum through green chemistry and the future. (CHEM 104 requires concomitant registration in a 104 laboratory section.)


Fulfills Mason Core requirement in natural science (lab).

Prerequisite(s): Not open to students majoring in chemistry.
Notes: Not open to students majoring in chemistry. Credit will not be given for both CHEM 104 and CHEM 212

Schedule Type: LAB,
Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week: 3
Hours of Lab or Studio per week: 3