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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

ECON 535 - Survey of Applied Econometrics

Credits: 3
Not Repeatable for Credit
Offered by Economics  
Applied introduction to estimating economic relationships. Includes simple equation and simultaneous equation system estimation.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to master’s program in economics, or OM 210 or STAT 250 and 350, and ECON 306 and 311, and MATH 113; or permission of instructor.
Notes: Contact Graduate Coordinator at for permission to register and CRN. Students who take ECON 535 may not take ECON 637 for credit. Non-Degree students are permitted to enroll based on space availability determined one week before the first day of classes AND on meeting the prerequisites AND with permission of instructor.

Schedule Type: LEC
Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week: 3
Hours of Lab or Studio per week: 0