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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

FNAN 301 - Financial Management

Credits: 3
Limited to 3 Attempts
Offered by School of Business  

Introduction to managing a firm’s financial resources given wealth maximization decision criterion. Includes working capital management, fixed-asset investment, cost of capital, capital structure, and dividend decision analysis.

School of Business students will not be permitted to make more than three attempts to achieve a C or higher in FNAN 301. Those who do not successfully complete this course within three attempts will be terminated from their major and will not be eligible to receive a degree from the School of Business. For more information about this, see the “Termination from the Major” section under Academic Policies.  

Equivalent to FNAN 303.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or higher in each of the following courses:
ECON 103, ACCT 203 or ACCT 204, and OM 210; sophomore standing.
Prerequisite(s) enforced by registration system.

Notes: Lecture, problems, and discussion. Requires attendance in weekly lectures and recitations.
The final exam for FNAN 301 may be scheduled to take place for all sections at the same time during the final exam period. Accommodations will be made for exam and religious conflicts and for certain official university-sponsored activities.

Students cannot receive credit for both FNAN 301 and FNAN 303.

Schedule Type: LEC, RCT
Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week: 3
Hours of Lab or Studio per week: 0
When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer