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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

ATEP 330 - Emergency Procedures for Athletic Trainers

Credits: 3
Not Repeatable for Credit
Offered by School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism  
Investigates the scientific and philosophical foundations of pre-hospital emergency care principles pertinent to athletic trainers. Develops knowledge, critical thinking and problem solving skills necessary to correctly apply emergency care principles and associated skills in a variety of clinical and professional settings.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the professional phase of the ATEP and a grade of C or better in the following courses: ATEP 120, ATEP 150, ATEP 201, ATEP 300, ATEP 310, ATEP 320, ATEP 325; BIOL 124, BIOL 125; HEAL 230; KINE 310, KINE 320; PRLS 450.
Prerequisite(s) enforced by registration system.

Schedule Type: LEC
Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week: 3