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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

Environmental Science and Policy, MS: Course Options

The following is a list of suggested courses for the Environmental Science and Policy, MS - please consult the degree’s listing for complete requirements.

Course suggestions are available for the following degree requirements:

Aquatic Ecology (AQEC) Concentration

Public Policy (6 credits)

Aquatic Methods (6 credits)

Earth Surface Processes and Environmental Geochemistry (ESEG) Concentration

Natural Sciences (16 credits)

Public Policy (6 credits)

Methods (6 credits)

Environmental Biocomplexity (EVBC) Concentration

Natural Sciences (6 credits)

Public Policy (6 credits)

Methods and Statistics (9 credits)

Environmental Science and Policy (EVSP) Concentration

Natural Sciences (6 credits)

Public Policy (6 credits)

Methods and Statistics (6 credits)