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George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog
George Mason University
2016-2017 University Catalog 
2016-2017 University Catalog

Applied Music Options

See Music advisor for registration permission and options.

MUSI 242 - Applied Music in Keyboard Credits: 2  

MUSI 243 - Applied Music in Voice Credits: 2  

MUSI 244 - Applied Music in Woodwind Credits: 2  

MUSI 245 - Applied Music in Brass Credits: 2  

MUSI 246 - Applied Music in String Credits: 2  

MUSI 247 - Applied Music in Percussion Credits: 2  

MUSI 248 - Applied Music in Composition Credits: 2  

MUSI 442 - Applied Music in Keyboard Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 443 - Applied Music in Voice Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 444 - Applied Music in Woodwind Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 445 - Applied Music in Brass Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 446 - Applied Music in String Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 447 - Applied Music in Percussion Credits: 2-3  

MUSI 448 - Applied Music in Composition Credits: 2-3