College of Science

  • August 10, 2023

    To excite high school students about the promise of quantum technologies and to prepare them for this future, George Mason University and Connected DMV joined forces to lead a Pathways to Quantum Immersion Program in July.

  • August 9, 2023

    Summer goes by fast—whether you’re a kid, or a kid at heart. The K-12 students who attended camps and youth programs at Mason this year filled those fleeting summer days with memories. Here are some snapshots from their summer to remember. 

  • August 9, 2023

    A team of Mason scientists, led by principal investigator Peter Becker, has received a federal grant of more than $13 million to work with the U.S. Navy to study electronic communications disruptions caused by increased solar activity that could potentially cause an “internet apocalypse.”

  • August 4, 2023

    Mason was chosen as a site for the inaugural summer SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Research Program in applied mathematics and computational science organized by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

  • May 8, 2023

    Water is critical for survival and yet, in a warming world, we find some places have too little and some have too much how do we solve for this grand challenge? Watch this episode of Our Future, Transformed featuring Dr. Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, Dean of the College of Science.

  • July 13, 2023

    The Marvel universe isn't the only place where insects and other invertebrates have superpowers. Mason faculty, staff, and students are studying and explaining the many roles these creatures play on our planet, learning more about a bug's life—and the big world surrounding them—every step of the way. This edition of Around Mason offers a recap of some of those stories.

  • July 11, 2023

    On June 28, Dean Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm, U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly, and James Kinter, director of Mason’s Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, discussed how the Virginia Climate Center is helping communities increase resilience to the impacts of climate change.

  • June 29, 2023

    George Mason University’s Potomac Environmental Research and Education Center (PEREC) recently hosted an invasive species removal event where students, faculty, staff, and community members came together to remove harmful, invasive plants around the Potomac Science Center in Woodbridge, Virginia.

  • June 21, 2023

    Last fall NASA selected George Mason University’s Anamaria Berea to participate in its independent study team on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

  • May 18, 2023

    Neuroscience major Sarah Hunter chose George Mason University not only because she knew it was a prestigious school, but because she felt a sense of calm when she toured the campus.